Two posts in the same month! It's a New Year's Miracle! (a la Verizon commercial 2005). The real line is, "It's a Mother's Day miracle!" This became an Anderson family favorite and is still quoted 5 years later. The commercial starts out with a mom in bed and the dad comes in holding a box. She opens it and pulls out a new phone, and then with a somewhat confused expression pulls out a second phone to which the dad exclaims, "Two phones! It's a Mother's Day miracle....I'll take this one!" The announcer then explains some two for one deal they have going on. The next shot opens up with the whole family having breakfast in bed and you hear a picture alert go off. The mom looks at her phone and the dad says, "I sent you a picture of the syrup." He and his son exchange high fives and the world's best commercial ends. The above paragraph has absolutely NOTHING to do with my next post, but will explain a little bit about my family :P
So this month has brought about a few changes in our house, mostly having to do with church callings. Ryan and I had been serving on the activities committee in our ward, but Ryan was recently called to be our Ward Clerk. The bishop informed him that this was one of the few callings in the church where he could get excommunicated and also go to prison. Such a comforting thought, no? Anyways since he is at church doing tithing settlement I am at home alone. Hence, the blog post.
I also received a new calling today. I am now the Primary President to a whopping amount of four children. That's right four whole kids. One Sunbeam and three nursery kids. Although this is more than four times the amount of a regular BYU ward (at least the singles wards....hopefully) it still creates a bit of a challenge since we lack the number of children found in a typical primary. Which leads me to a question. Anybody have good ideas for games or activities (gospel or otherwise related) that can keep four toddlers busy and content for two hours? Okay, okay I guess even 5 minute games would work too. Hopefully I'll write more again soon. I'm sure at least I'll end up with some good stories now that I get to work with the little ones again :)
Family Update 2024
2 months ago
Have fun! We love being in Primary! One of the things I've found that our sunbeams like is playing the game where you roll the ball and take turns giving answers. Easy ones though. They tend to not listen to the questions. "Clinton? Who does Jesus love?" He answered, "Go to Church." Another fun variation is to make a big dice for them to roll with pictures on it. And you can replace the pictures based on what your lesson is about. But the kids just love throwing that big dice.
By the way, I just sent you a picture of the syrup.
Yeah have fun being the wife of a clerk :) We can party while our hubbies are busy!
Hey Taylor,
I'm also Primary President. We have 2 children in our nursery. I think one more is coming soon, though.
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