Leave it to me to have a giveaway and then wait two weeks to announce the winner....sheesh. In my defense, between Christmas, New Years, two vacations, working full-time, my husband's 25th birthday, and a very active 16-month-old I've been swamped!
On my dad's side of the family every Christmas we used to do a cousin gift exchange. My dad was always in charge of organizing it and assigning which cousins would buy for each other. My dad has a degree in accounting, is a man, and prefers to do a minimal amount of planning for these types of things. He doesn't send out laminated magnets on pretty stationary that have your specific gift assignment on it. Instead, my dad would send out an email that would say "The mighty Dell has spoken." That was basically his way of saying, "Well folks, I've put all the cousin's names into an Excel document clicked randomize and made sure nobody bought for a sibling....go bananas!"
I don't have a Dell, so the mighty Compaq has spoken!
And the winner is.....
I'd leave contact information for you to find me and redeem your prize, but I'm fairly confident that you know how to reach me :)
Everyone else, thanks for entering! I'm going to be uploading some really cute headbands, hats, and accessories for babies, kids, and adults in the next week so stay tuned for more updates!
Family Update 2024
2 months ago